Notes for Conclave Recorders
Infromation to be sent to Divisional Recorder
- New member forms for GIC with cheque for fees
- Appendant Orders Certificate Request Form for GIC
- Enthronement return for GIC
- A copy of the Summons for each meeting for filing
- Changes of membership (resignations, deaths)
- Changes of a member’s details (address, telephone, email)
- Serious illnesses of members
- Annual Accounts (as soon as approved by Conclave)
- Annual returns to GIC with GIC and Divisional fees
- Requests for changes to By-laws
- Requests for dispensations
- Appendant Orders
- Application Form
- Change of Membership Details
- Conclave Fees
- Conclave Marshalls
- Divisional By-Laws
- Enthronement Return (docx | pdf )